Centre d'exposition Raymond-Lasnier
Galerie d'art du Parc
Maison Hertel-de-la-Freniere
Ancienne Gare ferroviaire
19 June - 4 September, 2011
Artistic Director: Jo Anne Lanneville
info@ biectr.ca
Joscelyn attended the opening of the 7th Biennale Internationale d'Estampe Contemporaine de Trois-Rivieres on 19th June as a guest of the organizers to receive the Grand Prize for her Creole Portraits III suite of lithographs. A panel of 5 jurors selected work for the exhibition and unanimously awarded the prizes as follows:
Joscelyn Gardner (Canada) - Grand Prix de la Biennale (Biennial Grand Prize)
Saskia Jetten (Netherlands) - Prix Banque Nationale Groupe financier (the National bank Financial Group Award)
Benoit Perreault (Trois-Rivieres) - Prix du Quebec (the Quebec Award)
Birgit Fiedler (Austria) - Honourable Mention
Jose Medina (Canada) - Honourable Mention
Killian Dunne (Ireland) was given the Invitational Award by the Presse Papier
The exhibition is taking place in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
The exhibition is taking place in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.