Joscelyn presents her work at Yale University

At the end of January, Joscelyn was invited to visit the beautiful New Haven campus of Yale University to present her work to various groups of students and faculty at the Yale University Art Gallery. In particular, she lectured in two seminar classes headed by Professor Hazel Carby - an undergraduate course, “Re-Visioning Subjectivities,” and a graduate seminar, “The Politics of Representation: Visual and Literary Culture and the Black Female Body.” Both of these groups were studying her Creole Portraits III series of lithographs as a central object of inquiry in their courses. There was also a more intimate presentation of some of the original artworks to a group of curators and art / art history faculty. A highlight of the visit was being able to view the original diaries of Thomas Thistlewood which are now housed in the Beinecke Rare Book Library at Yale. The warm welcome at Yale was much appreciated!